Thank You
Work has commenced on the new club-rooms in Muckalee. The committee are currently endeavouring to call to every house in the Parish, promoting the “Buy a Brick” campaign, which has been well received to date with over 300 bricks sold. The club is extremely grateful to all those who have supported this fundraiser and to the small, dedicated number of promoters. If our promoters missed you when they called and you wish to buy a brick, please contact Breda on 0879558578 (, Patsy on 0878256035 ( or Richard on 0876413713 ( In addition to our “Buy a Brick” campaign the club is offering local businesses and companies the opportunity to include their company branding on a dedicated billboard to be installed at a prominent location on site, the closing date for those interested in availing of this opportunity is the 31st December 2016. To date, nearly 30 businesses have availed of this package for which we are extremely grateful. You can keep up to date with the development through the St. Martin’s/Muckalee GAA website; just click on the photo’s/New Development and “Buy a Brick” links for the latest news and progress.