Table Quiz

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‘Drive for Liam Quiz’


Qiuz Poster

Kilkenny supporters in every club and parish in Kilkenny have an opportunity to play their part in the preparation for the All Ireland showdown against neighbours, Tipperary, by taking part in Kilkenny County Board’s ‘Drive For Liam’ Quiz. This new event, run in conjunction with KCLR and Kilkenny Vintners Federation, is sure to attract huge interest from GAA club members and Kilkenny Supporters throughout the county. On Thursday 25th August quiz teams will gather in Kilkenny Clubs and Pubs and take part in a Quiz  broadcast by KCLR. It will cost just €20 for a team of 4. THere are fantastic prizes of All Ireland tickets, tickets to the Banquet in CityWest and accommodation on the night of the All Ireland hurling final.

Local Pubs taking part are Cave Bar and Ranchers Return.