Goal power

St Martins played Graigue Ballycallan in the Junior A League in Coon. Martins played against the breeze in the opening half and trailed 1-1 to 0-11. With the wind in the second half and goal power in the forwards Martins went on to win ,scoring a vital goal in the dying minutes of the game. Final score 4-4 to 0-14.

Team E Maher,Aidan Murphy, C Kinsella, T Walsh, N Purcell, G Doyle, J Heffernan,K Kelly, M Morrissey, C Brennan 0-1, S Murphy0-1, T Morrissey1-0, D Dooley, D Lalor 3-2,  J Haughney.

Subs All usedB Malone, D Tynan,E O Mahony.

Selectors B Tynan, L Holohan, P Kehoe (standing in for R Nolan unavailable).

Ref E Mansfield.

25 April 2011