Martins make Quarters
St.Martins advanced to the quarter finals of the Championship after a six point win over last years Intermediate winners St. Lactains of Freshford.Played in Ballyragget this was always going to be a well contested and so it proved leading at the half way 0-10 to 0-07. Martins had to survive a spirited fight back by Lactains and with minutes remaining it was anyones game but Martins dug deep to make the draw on Monday next when our opponents will be known.
Team Colin McGrath,Shane Cadogan,Oliver Walsh,Brendan Maher,Thomas Breen,Patrick Nolan,James Dowling,Paul Maher,Shane Coonan,John Mulhall 0-5,Canice Maher0-1,Eoin McGrath0-2,John Maher 1-8(1-5f),Pauric Haughney,Robert Shore0-1.
Subs Mark Murphy,Joseph Maher (used),Alan Murphy(used),Aidan lalor(used),Ronan Maher, Brian Cadogan,Martin Dowling,Stephen Murphy,Patrick Dowling,Aidan Murphy,Michael Morrissey,Kieran Kelly,David Shore,Brian Byrne,Tom Morrissey,David Breen, Brian Mulhall(inj.)
Selectors Nicky Cashin,Patsy Murphy,Sean Kelly,Liam Dowling.
First Aid/Physio Grace McCormack.
18 September 2010
Juniors bow out
An under strength St Martins bowed out of the Junior Hurling Championship when the lost out to Dicksboro in the first round of the Championship, played in Ballyragget .The first half of the game was a low scoring affair with Dicksboro leading 0-4 to 0-2.St Martins had a better start to the second half but is was who finished the stronger to win 0-15 to 0-7.
Team Mark Murphy,Aidan Murphy,Alan Murphy,Brian Cadogan,Martin Dowling,Aidan Lalor,Patrick Dowling,Noel Darcy,Kieran Kelly,Tom Morrissey,Stephen Murphy 0-7 ( 5f 1 l),David Shore,Pauric Haughney,Conor Kinsella.
Team Brian Malone (used),David Breen(used),Ruari Kinsella(used),Dermot Lalor(used),Luke Maher(used),Nicholas Purcell,Damien Tynan.
Selectors Richard Nolan,Paddy Kehoe,Tom Agar.
Physio/First Aid Grace McCormack.
Ref. Pat Hayes.
12 September 2010
Alward Cup Win
St Martins and OLoughlin Gaels fought out a tough Alward Cup Final in Freshford,each side lined out without their County Players who are busy preparing for next Sundays All Ireland Final.The first half was close with the most important score, a goal for Martins following a great run by our Captain Eoin McGrath who passed to Brian Mulhall who finished in style to leave the half time score1-7 to 0-9.Unfortunately Brian picked up an injury which ruled him out of the second half. Martins added two more goals in the second half from Pauric Haughney and with the Martins defence denying the Gaels any they ran out winners on the score 3-13 to 0-16.The Cup was presented to Eoin by County Chairman Paul Kinsella.
Colin McGrath0-1,Ronan Maher,Oliver Walsh,Brendan Maher,Shane Cadogan,Aidan Lalor,Alan Murphy,Paul Maher,Michael Morrissey,Eoin McGrath Captain0-2,Pauric Haughney2-1John Maher0-7,Canice Maher0-1,Brian Mulhall1-0,Robert Shore.
Subs David Breen ,Patrick Dowling(used), Brian Byrne(used),Mark Murphy,David Shore,Martin Dowling, Aidan Murphy,Stephen Murphy,Kieran Kelly.
Manager Nicky Cashin Selectors Liam Dowling ,Sean Kelly,Patsy Murphy.
First Aid /Physio Grace McCormack.

Eoin Recieving cup from Paul
Martins make Final
St. Martins Juniors had a good victory over a hard tryiny Dunnamaggin to qualify for the Paddy Cahill Cup final.The seeds of victory were sown in the first half with two goals to give a lead of 2-8 to 0-8 at the break,playing against a fresh wind.Dunnamaggin never stopped trying but Martins built on their lead to run out winners 3-19 to 0-15.O Loughlin Gaels will be our opponents in the final date and venue to be decided.
Team M .Murphy, B Cadogan,B Maher(Capt), C Kinsella,A Murphy,A Lalor,M Morrissey, M Dowling, B Byrne,N Darcy,T Morrissey,S Murphy,D Shore,B Mulhall,R Shore.
SubsD Lalor(used), B Malone(used)L Maher (used), K kelly(used),P Maher(inj.)
First Aid/Physio. G McCormack.
Venue Bennettsbridge.Ref. S Gibbons.
Selectors T Agar,P Kehoe, R Nolan. 19 August 2010
Second win
St Martins registered their second win of the Senior League with a win over neighbours Clara,on a lovely evening in Erins Own Pitch.Martins held a five point lead at half time 0-9 to 0-4.Clara came more into the game after the break put Martins held on to record a one point victory which they just about deserved.Next up is the first round of the Championship which will be played after the All Ireland our most likely opponents will be Saint Lactains of Freshford altough this has to be confirmed by the county board.
Team Colin McGrath,Shane Cadogan,Oliver Walsh,Brendan Maher,Alan Murphy, Aidan Lalor,Mick Morrissey,Paul Maher (0-1),Brian Byrne,John Mulhall (0-1),John maher(0-10),Shane Coonan(0-1),Canice Maher(0-1),Eoin McGrath(0-1),Robert Shore(0-2).
Subs David Breen,Ronan Maher(used),Brian Mulhall(used),Tom Morrissey(used),Brian Cadogan,Martin Dowling,James Maher,Paddy Dowling,Stephen Murphy,Kieran Kelly,Mark Murphy,Aidan Murphy,David Shore,Michael Mulhall.
First Aid/Physio Grace M cCormack.
Manager Nicky Cashin.
Selectors Patsy Murphy,Sean Kelly Liam Dowling.
15 august 2010
St. Martins put in a great effort but came up a little short against Lisdowney in a well contested NorthernJunior League Semi Final. The first half ended with the Lisdowney side in the lead 0-9 to 0-7.Martins looked like the might pull off a famous win and they took a three point lead with ten minutes to go, this was a well worked goal ,a great diagonal ball into the corner was won by Paul Maher who beat his man and passed to Robert Shore who laid it on for sub Brian Byrne to finish to the net.It was Lisdowney who finished the stronger to get the vital scores in added time.Result0-16 to to 1-11.
Team Mark Murphy,Brian Cadogan,Brendan Maher,Geoff Doyle,Alan Murphy,Aidan Lalor,Mick Morrissey,Martin Dowling0-1,Michael Mulhall,Paddy Dowling,Paul Maher,Stephen Murphy0-7,Tom Morrissey0-2,Pauris Haughney,Robert Shore 0-1.
SubsDavid Breen,Brian Byrne(used),David Shore(used),Noel Darcy(used),Luke Maher,Nicholas Purcell,Aidan Murphy,Damien Tynan.
Selectors Richard Nolan,Tom Agar,Paddy Kehoe.
1 August 2010
First round defeat
St. Martins suffered a defeat in the first of the Junior A Championship when the lost out to a good Young Irelands side.On a warm day in Clara the Gowran side led at half time 0-10 to 0-6 The second half was dominated by Gowran but Martins tried their very best right to the final whistle. Final score 0-21to2-8. Martins the Junior B Champions from last can be proud of their efforts in a higher grade with a good mix of experience and some fine young hurlers blended in by the selectors.
Team David Breen ,Aidan Murphy,Brendan Maher,Geoff Doyle,Brian Cadogan,Aidan Lalor ,Nicholas Purcell Captain,Luke Maher,Ruari Kinsella,Brian Malone,Tom Morrissey0-1,Stephen Murphy2-6,Conor Kinsella,David Shore 0-1,Dermot Lalor.
SubsEugene Maher,Kieran Kelly(used),Ciaran Brennan(used),Damien Tynan(used),David Dooley(used),Thomas Walsh,Eoin O Mahony.
First Aid Noel Maher
Selectors Tom Agar,Paddy Kehoe, Richard Nolan.
Ref.Ollie O Neill.
25 July 2010
Vallant effort
St.Martins despite a vallant effort lost out to a strong finishing Graigue Ballycallan side in Nowlan Park.Martins dominated for long periods in the first half and led at the break 0-11 to 0-6. Martins still looked to be set for victory with just minutes remaining but a goal from a 21 metre free followed by a point had Ballycallan level and from there to the finish it was all Graigue Ballycallan despite Martins vallant effort.Final score 2-16 to 0-16.
Team Colin McGrath,Shane Cadogan,Oliver Walsh,BBrendan Maher,Brian Byrne,Aidan Lalor,Alan Murphy,Canice Maher,Paul Maher0-2,John Maher 0-2,Pauric Haughney,John Mulhall0-8,Shane Coonan0-2,Eoin McGrath0-2, Robert Shore.
Subs: 16. David Breen, Brian Mulhall (used), Mick Morrissey (used), Brian Cadigan, Martin Dowling, Noel Darcy, Aidan Murphy, Stephen Murphy, Paddy Dowling, David Shore, Micheal Mulhall.
Manager: Nicky Cashin
Selectors: Sean Kelly, Liam Dowling, Patsy Murphy.
Physio/First Aid: Grace McCormack
Well done John
Well done to John Mulhall and to all the Kilkenny team and managment on their fine victory in the Leinster final today.John was introduced in the second half ,result Kilkenny 1-19 to 1-12.
4July 2010
Win in Town
St. Martins played O Loughlin Gaels in the latest round of the Alward Cup in Johns Park.Martins were the better side in the first half and built up an interval lead of 1-10 to 0-7 .The second half followed the same pattern and with time running out Martins held a seven point lead but two late goals from close in frees left the minimum between the sides .Final score 2-15 to 2-14.
Team C McGrath,S Cadogan,O Walsh,B Maher,T Breen,A Lalor,Alan Murphy,P Maher, B Byrne,S Murphy,P Haughney,John Maher,S Coonan,E McGrath,R Shore.
Subs.D Breen,B Mulhall(used),N Darcy(used),M Dowling(used)Aidan Murphy.
Manager N Cashin.
Selectors P Murphy,L Dowling,S Kelly.
First Aid/Physio.G McCormack.
29 June 2010